News on calvados and apple brandy in Normandy
2012. Updated version released on Ibookstore for Ipad.
Russian version is under way late 2008.
French version gift book printed in 2006.
Calvados featured on Nobel dinner (20051212)
Calvados sauce was served with the main course on the Nobel Banquet in Stockholm December 2005.
Ptarmigan breast baked in horn of plenty mushrooms with caramelised apples, poached onions and broad beans, served with Calvados sauce and
potato cake. Poitrine de perdrix des neiges en robe forestière et sa garniture, gâteau de pommes de terre, sauce Normande.
Read more at the Nobel homesite
Swedish language edition (20050910)
Swedish language version released September 2005 from Ica Förlag.
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